Ice Cleat Blog

Is this the most common complaint you hear?

Written by Bill Coyne | 1/3/17 10:17 AM

As a safety professional, you most likely hear your share of employee complaints. The one we hear about frequently is this:

"My ice cleats fall off all the time."

It’s true that ice cleats and other traction aids can be a little complicated. Sometimes you wear one size in a specific brand and a completely different size in another. It’s a fairly common occurrence in regular shoes. Well, ice cleats and snow traction for shoes are no different. With the many styles of traction devices available, sometimes getting the optimal fit seems impossible.

Here are a few helpful pointers:

  • When giving ice cleats or traction aids to your employees, instruct them to try on the gear BEFORE leaving the office or warehouse. (Seems basic, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this!)

  • Consider the winter boots being worn when choosing types of cleats or traction aids. Chances are, they will be bulkier boots than normal everyday footwear. Base the size of the ice cleat on the boots usually worn when ice and snow exists.

  • Pay attention to the first few steps taken while wearing the new traction aid. When wearing ice cleats, if you notice the heel pulling away from the boot, this means they are too large. Go down one size to give them a tighter, more secure fit.

  • If going down one size doesn’t solve the sizing problem of snow cleats for boots, consider buying a Velcro Strap Kit. Winter Walking makes a Velcro Strap Kit especially for this scenario. The kit can be easily installed on any of our traditional ice cleats. This will give your employees the added security and confidence they need to make sure the cleats stay on their feet, even in deep snow or if the wearer is in between shoe sizes. Together, traction aids and the kit can help further reduce slips and falls on winter snow and ice and save your safety record!

For further details, please contact us.

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Bill Coyne is the VP of Sales for Winter Walking. He has been helping organizations across a wide variety of business sectors prevent workplace slips and falls in ice and snow for over 16 years. Winter Walking currently helps some of the world’s largest organizations keep their employees both safer and more productive while working outdoors in the winter season. Contact or visit