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How To Choose The Best Ice Cleats

9/22/14 3:08 PM

If your employees work outside in winter, chances are, your company has paid the price for slips and falls. Let’s look at why this may still be happening.

  • Are you just too busy to combat this seasonal, yet expensive, problem?
  • Have you tried an ice cleat in the past and it didn’t work?
  • Have you just given up, thinking that all ice cleats are the same?

Whether you call them ice cleats, snow spikes or crampons, remember this...

best ice cleats

Just because traction safety footwear may look similar doesn’t mean they are the same, and you can find the best ice cleats for you.

For example, consider your mobile device. Is it designed solely for making phone calls? Or is it a smartphone with a laundry list of features? If you need it to check your work email, but it only makes phone calls, that doesn’t mean the cell phone is bad. It’s just not the right one for you. The point is: Similar is not the same. You need different equipment to meet different needs properly and effectively.

More to the point, ice cleats and spikes for shoes that you may have tried 5 - 10 years ago are completely different from the models available to you today. Some ice safety cleats are so technologically advanced that they can be safely worn indoors without having to be removed. We can find the best ice cleat for you by pinpointing your need with the exact type of work its wearer does every day.

As we approach the end of September, remember that now is the time of year to be looking into the newest ways to keep your employees safer throughout winter – and improve your workplace safety record for the year.


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Bill Coyne is the VP of Sales for Winter Walking. He has been helping organizations across a wide variety of business sectors prevent workplace slips and falls in ice and snow for over 20 years. Winter Walking currently helps some of the world’s largest organizations keep their employees both safer and more productive while working

best ice cleats
