Ice Cleat Blog


Written by Bill Coyne | 11/21/23 5:15 AM

During a conversation with a safety director from a renowned multinational corporation, he shared with me the challenges they faced with slip and fall accidents caused by icy and snowy conditions. Determined to find a solution, they delved into extensive research, testing, and thorough analysis. Ultimately, they made the decision to invest in ice cleats that they believed were the best available at that time. (Just to clarify, these were not the ice cleats produced by my company.)

I inquired about whether they still experienced slip and fall incidents in icy and snowy conditions, to which he reluctantly confessed that they did. However, he quickly added, "We've had great success with our current brand. Why should I switch to yours?"

I was fully prepared to respond, as this question is one I encounter frequently. So, I began with a simple query: If your employees go from outdoor ice and snow to a clean indoor surface, such as concrete or tile, can they safely keep wearing your current ice cleats without removing them?

His answer was a resounding no.

The safety director went on to explain that employees are instructed to remove their ice cleats before entering buildings. I followed up by asking if they had ever encountered any issues with employees forgetting or refusing to take off their ice cleats before walking indoors. Once again, he reluctantly admitted that they had indeed faced such problems.

I posed one final question:

Wouldn't it be ideal to find a solution that can be worn both outdoors and indoors without the need for constant removal? Naturally, he agreed! Employees would no longer complain about their ice cleats, and he could potentially reduce, if not completely eliminate, all winter slip and fall incidents.

Now, let me ask you one last question: If your company currently utilizes ice cleats or other traction aids that prove slippery indoors or require frequent removal, don't you think it might be time to reconsider the brand you're purchasing?

By investing in ice cleats that can be worn both outdoors and indoors, without the need for constant removal, companies can significantly improve safety and reduce the risk of slip and fall accidents. Traditional ice cleats, while effective in icy and snowy conditions, often become a hazard when employees transition to indoor surfaces. The need to remove them before entering buildings can be time-consuming and lead to forgetfulness or refusal, compromising safety measures.

However, with ice cleats that provide traction on slippery surfaces both outdoors and indoors, companies can ensure that their employees remain protected throughout their workday. These versatile ice cleats are designed with specialized materials and features that offer excellent grip on various surfaces, including concrete and tile. By eliminating the need for constant removal, employees can seamlessly transition between outdoor and indoor environments without compromising safety.

Moreover, the implementation of ice cleats that can be worn indoors reduces employee complaints and dissatisfaction. With a single pair of ice cleats that meet their needs in all conditions, employees no longer have to worry about changing footwear or experiencing discomfort. This not only improves morale but also increases productivity, as employees can focus on their tasks without unnecessary interruptions.

In addition to enhancing employee satisfaction, choosing the right ice cleats can potentially eliminate all winter slip and fall incidents. With reliable traction on both outdoor and indoor surfaces, the risk of accidents is significantly reduced. This not only protects employees from injuries but also saves companies from potential liability issues and associated costs.

Therefore, if your company currently utilizes ice cleats or other traction aids that prove slippery indoors or require frequent removal, it is undoubtedly time to reconsider the brand you're purchasing. Investing in ice cleats that prioritize safety and convenience can lead to a significant improvement in workplace safety, employee satisfaction, and overall productivity. So, don't wait any longer - make the switch to ice cleats that provide reliable traction in all conditions and ensure the well-being of your workforce.

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Bill Coyne is the VP of Sales for Winter Walking.  He has been helping organizations across a wide variety of business sectors eliminate workplace slips and falls incidents in ice and snow for over 20 years.  Email Bill or visit for additional helpful information and resources.