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1/30/24 5:45 AM
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When it comes to ice cleats, there are typically two prevailing perspectives. Some people view ice cleats as a last-ditch effort, only wearing them when absolutely necessary. On the other hand, there are those who see ice cleats as an integral part of workplace safety gear.

Consider this: why do your employees use the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they have today? In most cases, companies require certain PPE items as a condition of employment. Safety glasses, hard hats, steel-toe boots, high-visibility clothing, and fire-retardant apparel are all mandatory in many workplaces. Why? It's because these items were implemented due to a history of injuries suffered by employees. Someone recognized the connection between these injuries and the financial burden they placed on the company. Consequently, a decision was made to address the issue by making PPE mandatory.Ice Cleats

Let's take a closer look at a few examples. If your employees frequently cut their fingers on sharp objects, it would be logical to require them to wear safety gloves. Similarly, if heavy objects falling on their feet caused toe injuries, mandating steel-toe boots would be a practical solution. And if employees were experiencing eye injuries, safety glasses would naturally be made mandatory.

Think about it this way: as a parent, do you ask your children if they want to brush their teeth? No, you simply tell them to do it because you have their well-being in mind. The same principle applies in the workplace. If you give employees the option to forgo wearing mandatory PPE, such as ice cleats, how many do you think would choose not to use them? The result would be an increase in accidents and injuries, ultimately leading to a plummet in your safety record and increased costs.

In today's business landscape, nearly every large and successful company is striving for a goal of zero workplace accidents. So, how can you achieve this if you give employees the power to decide whether or not to prioritize safety? It's clear that allowing such freedom would only lead to higher accident and injury rates, decreased productivity, and mounting costs.

Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the importance of safety footwear, specifically mandatory ice cleat programs. These programs have the remarkable ability to reduce winter slips and falls on snow and ice by a significant margin, often ranging from 70% to 100%. Just imagine the immense health benefits that come with such a reduction. Not to mention the substantial cost savings you can achieve by preventing accidents and injuries.

In conclusion, it's evident that ice cleats should be seen as an essential component of workplace safety gear, rather than a last resort. By making them mandatory, you can effectively protect your employees from winter slips and falls, ensuring their well-being and productivity while simultaneously minimizing costs.


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Bill Coyne is the VP of Sales for Winter Walking. He has been helping organizations across a wide variety of business sectors prevent workplace slips and falls in ice and snow for over 20 years. Winter Walking currently helps some of the world’s largest organizations keep their employees both safer and more productive while working outdoors in the winter season. Contact bill@winterwalking.com or visit www.winterwalking.com.

employee safety, ice grips, employee compliance, ice cleats, mandatory compliance, safety, slip and fall reduction, working outdoors, workplace accidents

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