A corporate safety director once shared with me the numerous challenges he encounters when trying to secure employee buy-ins, especially when it comes to working in harsh conditions like ice and snow. These challenges are not just about convincing employees to adopt safety measures but also about ensuring their consistent and correct usage. He has previously implemented our ice cleats with considerable success, noting a significant reduction in slip-related incidents. However, recognizing the ever-present risks, his company recently embarked on an ambitious new safety initiative: achieving ZER[…]
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Indeed, the market for ice cleats and winter traction aids can be overwhelming, with a vast array of products and technologies available, each claiming to offer the best solution for winter safety. Navigating through this sea of options can be daunting, especially for those who are not familiar with the specific needs and requirements of different working environments. However, with our extensive research spanning over four decades, we have gathered the necessary knowledge and expertise to support safety professionals in minimizing slip and fall incidents during the winter season. Our commitme[…]
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Ice cleats are a valuable tool for preventing slips and falls in icy conditions. However, we often hear common concerns and misconceptions that deter people from purchasing them. In this blog post, we address these concerns and shed light on the benefits of investing in the right ice traction for shoes or ice cleats from a reliable manufacturer like Winter Walking.
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Winter is just around the corner, and with it comes a whole host of hazards that can pose a threat to the safety of your employees. As a responsible employer, it is crucial to start planning now to ensure the well-being of your staff and maintain a strong safety record for your company. One important aspect to consider when preparing for winter is providing your employees with the necessary equipment to prevent slips and falls on ice and snow. Industrial ice cleats and other winter traction aids can be incredibly effective in reducing the risk of accidents. However, before making a purchase, i[…]
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Falls are the world’s leading cause of injuries, sending hundreds of thousands of people to the hospital each year alone. Of those cases, only a fraction happen at work, and an even smaller number involve ice/snow-related slip and falls. But if you’re an employer whose workers spend a lot of time outdoors, even one of these incidents is too many. Fortunately, keeping your workers safe during winter is easier than you might think. In this blog post, we’ll look at ways you can prevent slip and falls and other wintertime injuries. Eliminate The Act of Walking on Compromised Surfaces Think about a[…]
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Are ice cleats safe to wear indoors? In most cases, the answer would be no. Traditional ice cleats are designed for a sole purpose: preventing slip and fall incidents on icy surfaces. Picture an airport in the middle of January, someplace like Chicago that experiences brutal winters. The employees who work outdoors need footwear that will keep them slipping when they walk, so they put on a pair of ice cleats, allowing them to walk safely over slick surfaces. Once they get inside, it’s a whole different story. Read on to learn why most ice cleats are not meant for indoor wear, and to find out m[…]
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