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How To Choose The Best Ice Cleats

9/22/14 3:08 PM
If your employees work outside in winter, chances are, your company has paid the price for slips and falls. Let’s look at why this may still be happening. Are you just too busy to combat this seasonal, yet expensive, problem? Have you tried an ice cleat in the past and it didn’t work? Have you just given up, thinking that all ice cleats are the same? Whether you call them ice cleats, snow spikes or crampons, remember this...
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Never Have Winter Slips and Falls Again

9/8/14 11:44 AM
Did you know that every winter slip and fall your employees had could have been prevented? Here’s how: Don’t allow your employees to walk or work outdoors in the winter months when ice and snow are present. For most of you, that’s impossible, so what’s the real solution? Employees need well-fitted and appropriate winter traction aids to help keep them safe and productive while walking and working outdoors in winter. And let’s face it, your safety record will boil down to how seriously you take the threat of snow and ice.
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Look Out For the Icy Parking Lots

3/10/14 4:42 PM
A few weeks ago we had a snow storm where in live (outside Philadelphia, PA) it was about 14 inches of snow mixed with some sleet as well. Needless to say it wasn’t the safest conditions to work or walk outdoors for several days. I was having a conversation with a co-worker as we were walking out the door. We got to the parking lot and finished up. He started walking to his car and almost slipped and fell on the ice! Our parking lot was a real mess with sporadic ice all over. It occurred to me he wasn’t wearing the ice cleats that we manufacture (AND he sells). Realizing it was a near miss I t[…]
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Are You Sick of Winter Yet?

3/4/14 10:37 AM
I was speaking with a senior safety coordinator for a large Canadian company recently. This winter has been bone chillingly cold in a lot of places in North America and it seems like winter will not end anytime soon, thanks Polar Vortex! Because of the brutal duration of this winter, this particular person was not in the mood to discuss the use of an ice cleat or other winter traction aids. He admitted that he is he’s sick of hearing about ice cleats and having to “deal” with them all the time. Does this sound familiar to you?
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I Don't Need Ice Cleats, I Walk Safely

2/27/14 3:45 PM
Have you heard this from your employees? This is a common cry from employees especially in the more Northern climates where nasty winter weather is normal. Many of these people have been dealing with snowy and icy winters their whole life and telling them now that they need to wear ice heel cleats while on the job can be a bit like telling your kids that they have to wear their mittens....they will resist at all cost. Do your employees walk safely on ice and snow and is it reasonable to accept this as a reason not provide and insist that they wear ice cleats or other forms of Winter Walking tr[…]
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Are You People Are Safe Enough?

2/20/14 4:00 PM
I got a late start into work the other day. I grabbed a travel mug and took my coffee to go. When stopped at a red light I reached for the mug and noticed the logo of a large U.S. utility and I smiled. They've been a customer of mine buying a variety of our ice cleats and other winter traction aids for over 13 years! They invited me last year to a corporate safety meeting to speak about their slip and fall prevention program and gave me this mug.
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